Thursday, March 5, 2009

Woman, thou art fickle...

The more I looked at the sock yarn, the more I wanted to knit it. Then, I get my invite from Ravelry, which encourages me to list all of my yarn and books and patterns and such. And there's a place for your projects, and my page looked so lonely, what with only one project on there, and I thought, well just cast it on and then you'll have two projects to list. Just cast it on... famous last words! The lace scarf? What lace scarf? Can't you see I'm knitting socks? The scarf and I are on a break, free to do whatever we want with other patterns and yarn. We both need this. Time apart will make us truly appreciate each other. Besides, it's warming up outside, who needs a new scarf? (The argument could be made about who needs wool socks, but we're not going there.)
I'm spending the day with the most charming, lovable,gorgeous man I know. He's my nephew and I guess that at 21 months, he's not technically a man, but he is the little man! I'm so lucky that I've been able to spend so much time with him, since he was born. He brightens my day, and watching him grow and learn blows my mind!
Pictures tomorrow, of lots of fun things!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww. He loves you, too, Aunt Kathy!!! (you really are his favorite. SHHH! Don't tell anyone!)
