Thursday, September 3, 2009

In which I've been a bad blogger

I can't believe that I haven't posted anything since July! The Interwebs is not going to submit to my total domination if I don't post more often, that's for sure.
So here's a recap of what's been going on since last we talked. Panera never called m back, so there's ANOTHER job I didn't get. The restaurant I used to work at, 6 years ago, was hiring for their second location, so I applied and now I'm waiting tables again. It's not bad, and the money is okay (it will pick up once football starts), but I'm disappointed that I couldn't find a suitable management position in 8 months of trying. It's a little disheartening to not be wanted.
On the knitting front, I've almost completed the first of the lace socks, and just finished a handbag that needs felting and sewing up. And a leather handle. I guess finished is to be taken quite loosely here.
The garden still grows, and I've pickled peppers and made homemade pepper jelly. Hopefully I will be able to can some tomato sauce before the tomato plants quit producing. Canning takes a lot of effort and equipment and time. I hope that all the effort is worth it.
I promise to post more frequently and put up some knitting pictures and maybe relate some interesting stories from work.