Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How does your garden grow?

Mine grows through the inifinite patience and wisdom of the boyfriend. He is, after all, a landscape professional, and making things grow is his forte. My forte? Killing green things. This is why I'm not allowed to mess around in the garden unsupervised. We will have an abundance of tomatoes and hot peppers by the time summer is over, I don't know what I'm going to do with them all. I think I might need to learn how to can so that I can put up some of this bounty for winter. This lovely purple flower was grown from seeds, and lives in a pot on my back patio.
This is a lovely ornamental chile pepper plant, also growing in a pot. I don't know if they are edible, but they look awfully HOT and I'm not going to try any!

This is one of the banana pepper plants. I've already picked one, and it looks like 2 more should be ready in a week.

Here are the jalepeno peppers. They should be ready within a week or two.

Here is one of the four tomato plants. This one is a better bush, and has already produced two yummy tomatoes!
The funny thing is the boyfriend doesn't even like fresh tomatoes. He'll eat salsa, and tomato sauce, but he does not like tomatoes on sandwiches, salads, nada! He just likes growing tomato plants!
I've found some recipes for pickling peppers, so I'm hoping that the pepper plants produce enough for me to try out pickling!
Back to our regularly scheduled knitting tomorrow.

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