Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When you have nothing else...

You knit. And when it seems like everything is going against you, you knit. You knit, and you exercise control over this one thing in your life. You take yarn and needles and you bend them to your will and you make them do what you want (most of the time). You have this one thing and it's yours and you own it and you (sort of) master it.
This is what I hold on to in these tough economic times. It's what I turn to when I get rejected, yet again, from another company who doesn't want or need my exceptional services. It's what I do when I think that I can't do anything else. At least I can still knit, I think to myself. At least I still have yarn and patterns and ideas and the desire to create. And then I can face that umpteenth rejection email from some anonymous HR drone whose algorithms didn't come close to computing who and what I am and what I can offer.
It sucks not having a job. It sucks even more to not be able to get an interview, much less a job. It sucks to get rejected by a computer program which takes your resume and your online questionnaire and comes up with a mathematical probability of your ability to do the job. That program doesn't know me, doesn't even take the chance on getting to know me. I am more than my resume, and no one seems to want to know that.
I know, I should be grateful for the things that I have. And I am, really. I just want to go to work. But I knit. And I try not to be bitter and mad and depressed. So I knit.

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