Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Getting my knit on...

This is the finished Oriel Lace Scarf. I didn't want to post a picture of it any sooner, because it was a gift for my mom on Mother's Day. Click the pic to make it bigger. It came out gorgeous after washing and blocking, and it grew a bit too. It really came out quite nice, and I can't wait to get another one on the needles.

Currently, I'm working on the February Lady sweater. It's coming along swimmingly, so I'm a little stunned. It's actually quite easy, once you get past the counting, and the dizzyness that 282 stitches on the needles can create. I'm kind of concerned, because I keep thinking that it shouldn't be this easy, and what am I screwing up, but I'm following the pattern, to the letter. I'm checking my stitch count, to make sure that I'm not losing, or adding, stitches. I'm working on the body right now, and apart from the enormous amount of stitches on the needles, it's really kind of boring. The lace pattern is a 4 row repeat, and it's pretty easy. I know, I know, I keep saying how easy it is, and in the end I'm going to get bitten in the ass by the Knitting Fates for mocking them. Oh well, if it doesn't fit me, it will fit someone I know!

It looks like a real sweater, doesn't it? I mean, it's missing sleeves right at the moment, but according to the pattern, you do those last. Click on the pics to make them bigger, and admire my handiwork!
That's what's new for today. I'm going to do some laundry, and knit some sweater! If I had known it was this easy, I would have done this a long time ago!

1 comment:

  1. the sweater looks lovely, i like that colour. Very impressive lace skillz also...
