Thursday, September 3, 2009
In which I've been a bad blogger
So here's a recap of what's been going on since last we talked. Panera never called m back, so there's ANOTHER job I didn't get. The restaurant I used to work at, 6 years ago, was hiring for their second location, so I applied and now I'm waiting tables again. It's not bad, and the money is okay (it will pick up once football starts), but I'm disappointed that I couldn't find a suitable management position in 8 months of trying. It's a little disheartening to not be wanted.
On the knitting front, I've almost completed the first of the lace socks, and just finished a handbag that needs felting and sewing up. And a leather handle. I guess finished is to be taken quite loosely here.
The garden still grows, and I've pickled peppers and made homemade pepper jelly. Hopefully I will be able to can some tomato sauce before the tomato plants quit producing. Canning takes a lot of effort and equipment and time. I hope that all the effort is worth it.
I promise to post more frequently and put up some knitting pictures and maybe relate some interesting stories from work.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Job Interviews and First Dates
Now I'm here, and he's here, and he doesn't seem to mind that I'm early. So far, so good. Let's chit chat about things, about work, and jobs, and experiences. Give a little, get a little. Don't make any assumptions, but I think it's going well. Good eye contact, laughs, feels like a real connection. Okay, now he's talking about other people that he has plans to see. Don't feel rejected, this is just a first meeting. He can't offer me the moon the first time he meets me, right? Now he's saying that he will make a decision next week, and I will hear from him by the end of next week.
I hope he calls. I hope he calls and it's good news. Has he called? Damn technology has us so connected that we expect immediate results. Did he like me? Was I smart enough, funny enough, talented enough, ENOUGH enough for him to pick me? God, why did I even put myself through this? It will be okay, he will call and it will be good news.
Just like a first date, with the same pressure and nervousness and excitement and all that. Now I have to wait and see what becomes of it.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How does your garden grow?
Mine grows through the inifinite patience and wisdom of the boyfriend. He is, after all, a landscape professional, and making things grow is his forte. My forte? Killing green things. This is why I'm not allowed to mess around in the garden unsupervised. We will have an abundance of tomatoes and hot peppers by the time summer is over, I don't know what I'm going to do with them all. I think I might need to learn how to can so that I can put up some of this bounty for winter. This lovely purple flower was grown from seeds, and lives in a pot on my back patio.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
It's too hot to knit
I'm cruising towards the home stretch on the February Lady sweater. Got the first sleeve done, the second is in progress, and the finish line is in sight. I can't wait to get it finished so that I can wear it! Of course, it's WAY too hot to wear a wool sweater anywhere, but wear it I will, just because I made it.
I do love this time of year, because gardens start producing their bounty, and there's nothing better than the first tomato of the season. I ate mine tonight, and it was delicious. I've also got banana peppers that are probably just a few days from being ready, and jalepeno peppers that should be ready in a week or so. Anyone know what to do with fresh banana peppers? All of my experience has been with pickled and/or processed banana peppers, so I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do with them. Any suggestions would be quite welcome!
I also like this time of year because this is when county fairs start popping up. I love going to county fairs, with the cotton candy and truck pulls and corn dogs (and lots of other food on sticks) and other fun stuff. If you know of a fun county fair, let me know! I LOVE them lots and would love to go to a bunch this summer.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
In which we explore what's on the needles
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
When you have nothing else...
This is what I hold on to in these tough economic times. It's what I turn to when I get rejected, yet again, from another company who doesn't want or need my exceptional services. It's what I do when I think that I can't do anything else. At least I can still knit, I think to myself. At least I still have yarn and patterns and ideas and the desire to create. And then I can face that umpteenth rejection email from some anonymous HR drone whose algorithms didn't come close to computing who and what I am and what I can offer.
It sucks not having a job. It sucks even more to not be able to get an interview, much less a job. It sucks to get rejected by a computer program which takes your resume and your online questionnaire and comes up with a mathematical probability of your ability to do the job. That program doesn't know me, doesn't even take the chance on getting to know me. I am more than my resume, and no one seems to want to know that.
I know, I should be grateful for the things that I have. And I am, really. I just want to go to work. But I knit. And I try not to be bitter and mad and depressed. So I knit.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Even though I have nothing to say
My grandmothers are coming into town this week, for my nephew's birthday. They get to meet my sweet boyfriend! I'm excited about that, not too sure how he feels about it. Um, that's really all I got.
I know, I bore myself sometimes.
My nephew said my name last week. Sort of. As well as an almost two year old can say it. He hasn't said it since, but we will work on that today. He may have been saying Cheetos, now that I think about it. Hmmmm. Cheetos sound good.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy Memorial Day!
Have a great weekend, and happy birthday to my brother and my sister!
Monday, May 18, 2009
I'm kind of sad
Funny, funny guy, great writing, truly a bright spot in my day.
Aw, Manuel, you will be missed!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Now I've heard it all...
Just click, and then read, and then come back to me.
Read it? Okay, then! Really?!?!?!? I mean, I've had my fair share of customers who I thought about shooting, or maybe stabbing, but I've never actually DONE IT!! This article made me laugh out loud. I can see how the situation progressed, in my mind. I think that this is a result of the erroneous notion that the customer is always right. In reality, the customer is rarely right, sometimes they're not even in the ballpark. Too many people have an over-inflated sense of entitlement, and they persist in flaunting it in public. I feel like it's my duty to deflate their sense of self-importance, even if it's just a little bit.
So here are my rules for proper customer behavior whilst dining in public:
1: Having money does not make you better than your server. If anything, it makes you dependent on your server to feed you, since you aren't at home cooking for yourself.
2: If you have particular needs, please make them known to your waitstaff prior to ordering. This will allow us to tailor your order to those needs.
3: DO NOT snap you fingers, shake an empty glass, yell "Hey you!", or in any other way summon your server as if she was your lap dog. She is not, and her bite is WAY worse than her bark.
4: Think before you speak or act. If you wouldn't do it/say it in front of your grandmother, you probably shouldn't do it in front of your server. Remember, this is your only chance to make a good impression; you don't want to be "that guy."
5: Please and thank you are not endangered species. Use them often.
6: Eye contact is one way to let someone know that you are listening to them. Staring at her breasts is NOT a way to let someone know you're listening.
7: Servers have LONG memories. We will remember every slight, every bit of attitude, every nasty thing that you do or say. We will share those stories with our waitstaff friends. We know everyone in the business. Your hatefullness will spread faster than the swine flu. Don't be "that guy."
8: We don't care who you think you are. In the dining room, the waitstaff are the most important people. We are the emissaries that tread the DMZ that is the kitchen, and we are doing it for you. Unless you would like to risk your life walking back into the kitchen to get your food, realize that every trip we make is into hostile territory, and should be rewarded with combat pay.
9: Ifyou do not believe in tipping, which is your right, do not frequent full-service restaurants, unless you are picking up a carry-out order. You are not proving a point, you are not bucking the system, you are not speaking out for under-paid servers; you are being a cheap-skate tightwad, and the only person that you are hurting is your poor server. You think that servers should be paid a higher hourly wage? Take your fight to Congress, not your favorite dining establishment.
10: And last, but not least, if you truly do have a miserable experience when you go out, and it happens all the time, no matter where you go, then perhaps you should consider the possibility that it's not them, it's you. You might be the kind of person that no one on God's green Earth can make happy. And if that's true, perhaps you should stop inflicting your misery on the hapless staff of whichever establishment you choose to frequent. I'm just saying. Maybe it's YOU.
That's my philosophy. I think that dining out would be much more enjoyable if we all followed the rules.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Getting my knit on...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
In an effort to be more scintillating...
My mom and I haven't had the easiest of relationships. Mostly this was due to my stubborness and hard-headedness, I will admit. I wasn't the easiest person to get along with in my twenties. It is with benefit of age that I can admit this now. Hindsight being 20/20 and all. That being said, I don't know what I would do if I hadn't created a closer relationship with my mom. She is always there for me, to answer questions, to listen to me babble when I'm lonely, to encourage me in all of my endeavors. I think that I owe a lot of who I am today to her. (Apart from the obvious genetic contribution)
I was always, and will always be, a daddy's girl. Me and my dad are so much alike that you would be hard-pressed to think that anyone else could be my father. It took years for me to get that close to my mom. Now that I have, I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything.
Today, on the day that we celebrate mothers, I want to take the opportunity to thank my mom. Thank you for not giving up on me (I would have, a long time ago), thanks for always listening to me, especially when I'm rambling on, thanks for encouraging me when I thought that I would never figure out this knitting thing, and thanks most of all for being you. For teaching me how to love unconditionally, how to cherish your spouse, how to discipline and nurture at the same time, how to be the best woman that I can possibly be. I couldn't have done without you. I wouldn't have wanted to do it without you. You are the best, and if I don't tell you often enough, I love you!
Happy Mother's Day, to all the moms out there, especially the ones with headstrong daughters who don't listen. Trust me, one day, they will, and they will appreciate everything that you have taught them. It might just take some time for them to admit it.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Did you miss me?
Here's a brief recap of what's been going on: the spring meet at Keeneland wrapped up and we worked on Derby Day (quite busy and made good money), finished the lace scarf and got it blocked (will post pics as soon as I take some), cast on the sweater and am past the collar and yoke and working on the body (I love it and it's going pretty fast and relatively easy).
Yesterday my dad had a heart cath done. It was a scheduled, non-emergency procedure, and he made it through relatively unscathed. The cardiologist found one blockage (80%), inserted a stint, at which point it opened right up and had good blood flow. He spent the night at the hospital, came home this afternoon, and is feeling pretty good.
Unfortunately, my best friend's husband woke up this morning with chest pains, and is also having a heart cath done this very afternoon. We suspect that this whole incident is a ploy to to get out of Mother's Day obligations! Seriously, I am hoping and praying that he will make it through with flying colors.
Last night I went to Friends & Co. for a Rock-A-Billy Cafe employee reunion. It was fantastic, seeing everyone again. Most of those folks I haven't seen in 10-12 years. It was awesome catching up with everyone, seeing pictures of kids and meeting spouses. It was such a wonderful time and I can't wait to get together again with everyone.
As a result of seeing everyone last night, I have a job prospect. The guy I used to work for is now a branch manager for a bank, and he is looking to hire someone to help him run his branch. So, I will be sending him my resume and hopefully I will get an interview! Keep your fingers crossed!
I will post pictures of the finished projects and works-in-progress as soon as I take some. As long as the weather holds out, I might be able to get some nice shots outside.
I hope that y'all missed me as much as I missed you! (hee hee hee) I promise to post much more regularly!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Just another Monday
The car is running so much better, what with the new computer and all. Of course, running at all would be better than what it was doing before, which was not running!
Friday was the last day of the spring meet at Keeneland, but we all have to work on Derby Day, too. It kind of makes me laugh, that 20,000 people come out to Keeneland on Derby, to watch TV.
I really don't have much to post about today. I'm spending the day with my nephew, Thomas. He's still sleeping right now, so our day together hasn't started yet. I think that we will play outside, probably in the dirt!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Just when you think that you're getting ahead...
I ordered the rest of the yarn and the needles that I need to make the sweater. I don't want to give too much of it away, just in case I fail miserably at this endeavor. If you never hear about this sweater again, forget that I ever brought it up. You can assume that it is buried in a bottom drawer, and it made me a quivering heap of dejection and weeping. But, maybe, I will rock this out and you will have to hear about it FOREVER!
By the way, I hope that you like the new look of the blog. I decided that I wanted to change a few things, which turned into changing some other things, which turned into changing the look of the whole thing! I also took off some of my personal info; I figured that the entire American interwebs didn't need to know my real name! That's right, I fully expect the entire American interwebs to be reading my blog, any day now. Really, they're coming. Really. (Actually, if the 3 of you that do read this would make all of your friends read this, then perhaps my plan of total interwebs domination would have a chance of succeeding!)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Rainy days are made for knitting
This weekend was just as great at work as the beginning of the week. Great customers all weekend, good money, good times with coworkers, just all in all a GREAT week at work! i'm kind of sad that it will be ending this coming Friday; now I see why Turf Catering has such a high return employee rate every meet. I'm seriously considering coming back in October for the fall meet, if I have a job that will allow me to do that. I created a Facebook page for all of us that work together, so that we can stay in touch after the meet is over. If you're on Facebook, find us in the Lexington Kentucky Room - Keeneland group.
I should probably clean the house today, so that I can spend all day tomorrow relaxing. But I think that we all know that I might get some housework done today, but I'll save the majority of it for tomorrow!
I'm going to make some coffee and do some knitting, and perhaps get some clothes in the wash. Maybe unload the dishwasher. Or wind up some laceweight into balls.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thank God it's Friday!
Wednesday I waited on a group of folks that were from the Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival. If you find yourself in southeastern Kentucky for Memorial Day weekend, I highly recommend going to the Mountain Laurel Festival in Pineville, Kentucky. It is being run by the nicest group of people that I've ever met. They were an absolute joy to take care, very polite and courteous, well-mannered and I think that they were truly happy to be at Keeneland that day. I made really good money from them, but that wasn't the reason that I enjoyed them so much. (Okay, not the only reason!) They were absolutely wonderful to take of, and I hope that they had as much fun spending the day with me as I did with them.
Today I had another group that I also really liked. They were with Credit Solutions, and they were a ball to have in today. They all were betting on the horses, enjoying the beautiful day and each other's company. It's having customers like these two groups that remind me of why I have always loved the restaurant business. It's good to have customers like this, especially when you wonder why the hell you're doing this for a living. Sometimes it's good to be a part of someone's special occasion, even if you're only the person delivering drinks.
I really needed this reminder this week, after last weekend. Last weekend had me questioning why in the world I would willingly do this for a living. You would think that on the 2 biggest days of the spring meet, the Maker's Mark Mile on Friday and the Bluegrass Stakes Day on Saturday, I would have had a fantastic time and made tons of money. On the contrary, I left work both days feeling angry and overworked and totally underpaid. Those two days, when our dining room was filled with big wigs and high rollers and whatnot, I made jack crap. I made more this past Wednesday, from small-town, nice, polite, regular people, than I did taking care of the hoi polloi. I went to bed last Saturday night wondering if I was even going to go back to work this week. I'm so glad that this week has gone so fantastically well. It's been a real self-esteem booster. It's confirmed my belief that I am a good server and it was the customers' fault last weekend that I didn't make any money.
Hopefully, this Saturday and Sunday will go as well as the first part of the week. The only downside is that I haven't had much time for knitting, because I'm so tired! I have several projects that are on the drawing board and as soon as I get some time to myself when I'm not exhausted, I will be casting on some KNITTING. I'm using all caps because the next project that I'm tackling is a sweater, for me. That's right; I'm making clothes. I've got the pattern, the yarn (I think I have enough), all I need is one particular circular needle ( here I come!), and some free time and I'm making a sweater. Yep. I'm going to do it. Just as soon as I can read the pattern and not hyperventilate.
(By the way, I sold a bottle of Dom Perignon today! Yep, I sold a $200 bottle of champagne!)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday, what a lovely day
Work is going good. I must say that I have a beautiful view from my dining room at Keeneland. The room overlooks the track, right at the start/finish line. It doesn't suck at all.
I'm off today, and I should be cleaning the house and doing laundry. The dishwasher is running right now, so I'm well on my way to having a clean house before Donnie gets home this afternoon.
Easter was fantastic! Thomas had a fun time, and we had fun watching him play outside with his bubble mower. I love being able to spend time with my family.
It's time to start knitting for the day. I could probably dust, too, and pass the vacuum, but there's always tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Socks, finished
I finished the socks that I've been working on! And just in time, too, because it's 35 degrees outside! It's April 7th and it's barely above freezing. It's ridiculous, I tell you.
I'm pleased with the socks, even though the toes are different. I was running out of yarn towards the end of the second sock, and I had to join the leftover yarn from the first sock. The colorway varigation didn't match up. But they look cute anyway, and they are very cozy and warm.
This past weekend was my first weekend working at Keeneland. I'm waiting tables in the Lexington Kentucky room, on the 4th floor. It's nice, and so far I'm enjoying it. I'm working with a great group of people, most of whom have worked there before. The money is good, and it's pretty easy work. No food service, since it's all buffet on the fourth floor. I just schlep drinks and bread pudding, and clear plates. It was tough though, since I haven't been working, and my feet HURT! It should get better as it goes along.
I'm enjoying two days off before going back to work on Wednesday. I've got to clean the house, do some laundry, and maybe get some knitting done.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
More about Gatlinburg
Monday, March 30, 2009
I got a job!!!
I think that it's time for me to buy a new car. And by new car, I mean newer than the one that I have. It died seven times on my way to babysit this morning. By the time I got here, I was a nervous wreck, almost in tears. It's enough to drive a girl to drink, I tell you. I just wish that it would hold out for another month, let me get some money in the bank, and then I could face spending a crapload of money on a car. Arggghhh!
I've been spending some time lately with the knitting. Almost done with the socks that I've been working on, got Donnie's IPod armband holder done, finally sewed on button eyes on the sock puppets that I made for Thomas, and got a new sock pattern for the yarn I bought on vacation. I got all this done because I couldn't get on the internets for the whole week. It sucked.
I'm going to eat some breakfast and knit some socks, because that's how I roll.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Best. Vacation. EVER!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Running to the mountains...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Spring, where are you?
Speaking of the socks, they are gorgeous! The colorway reminds me of the ocean, all blues and greens. I've been a busy little knitter lately. Last weekend I knocked out an armband IPod holder for Donnie, in a funky camoflage yarn. Now, I'm making another one in gray, to match his work uniform. Because he likes to match!
The lace scarf is still hanging out in the knitting bag. I think that I'll be ready to go back to it when I've finished the socks. Or at least one sock. Right now, I'm trying to figure out what projects I want to take with me on our Gatlinburg trip next weekend. I'm sooo excited! I've never been to Gatlinburg, and we've got a lovely cabin about 13 miles from downtown. There's a yarn shop that I want to go to, and a Coach outlet store in Seiverville! We're planning on going to the aquarium, Dixie Stampede, the Space Needle, and ride the ski lift up the mountain. I'm most looking forward to soaking in the hot tub, whilst looking out into the woods for bears.
Of course, my OCD is kicking in. I've made a list of what I need to pack for me, and another list for what Donnie needs to pack, plus another list for food and beverages that we need to bring. Plus a list of where we want to go and do, and ..... well, you get the idea. I hope that the weather is nice, and I get lots of pictures.
Off to fix lunch and see what I'm fixing for dinner.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Woman, thou art fickle...
I'm spending the day with the most charming, lovable,gorgeous man I know. He's my nephew and I guess that at 21 months, he's not technically a man, but he is the little man! I'm so lucky that I've been able to spend so much time with him, since he was born. He brightens my day, and watching him grow and learn blows my mind!
Pictures tomorrow, of lots of fun things!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
And so it goes...
This is why I stopped knitting scarves for a while. Once you get past the charm and novelty of the pattern/yarn/colorway, there's still like 182 feet to knit. Okay, maybe not that much, but still. Scarves get kind of boring WAY before they get to any useful length. But still I plug away at it, because it is beautiful, and I do love the yarn and the pattern. Hopefully, it will get charming and exciting again.
Knitting does give me an excuse to watch TV. I figure that if I'm doing something productive, then it's okay to watch an all-day marathon of America's Next Top Model. Of course, some people think that it's not okay to watch ANTM all day. Some people, maybe a person who lives in this house, thinks that no one should watch ANTM, even for one hour. I won't mention names, but we all know who he is. Really, he would rather watch logging all day. How many trees do you have to watch fall to the ground to get that it's dangerous? And boring? It makes a garter stitch scarf in black look exciting.
Speaking of exciting, I saw my first Noro 2 row scarf live and in person the other day when I bought the lace weight for my WIP. The young lady who had knit it had used a chunky weight yarn, and it was even more lovely in person than in any picture that I had seen.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Job Search Continues
I worry that I'm not going to find anything. I know that I can always go back to serving and/or bartending, but I would rather find a job that has a future. I'm getting too old to worry about making enough in tips to cover the bills.
My biggest fear is that I'm not qualified enough to get a good job. I worry that my lack of a degree is going to hinder the job search. I worry that I'm not going to find anything that would make me want to go to work every day. I worry, I worry, I worry.
Still, it could be worse. I could not be receiving unemployment. I could be homeless. I could be alone. But I'm not. My dear sweet boyfriend has been very supportive during all this. Thank God for him.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Lace Blocking and Why It's Fun
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What I've knit for me
These are two scarves that I made for myself after Christmas. It was a stash-busting exercise, since I have a lot of yarn, and wanted to use some of it before I could justify buying more. They are both the same pattern, just different yarn combinations. I used the one row scarf pattern from the Yarn Harlot, but I used two worsted weight yarns, knit together using US size 11 needles.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Lego Star Wars and why the Force holds the universe together
As Fate (or the Force, you decide) would have it, I fell in love with a man who likes to play video games. He's not obsessed by any means, but he enjoys a little Need for Speed or God of War every now and then.
Then I found the game that would change my mind forever. Lego Star Wars. I know, it's a game for children, which is probably why I can play it. It's awesome! It reminds of my childhood, when my brother played with both Legos and Star Wars figurines.
I'm hooked. The characters are little Lego people, and when you destroy something, it blows up into little Lego blocks!
So you see, the Force gave me something to share with the man I love. Now if only he would get off the Playstation so that I can play!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Why I knit
I got inspired to learn how to knit over a game of Scrabble. I was playing with my sister, my brother and his wife. She was crocheting something, a blanket I think, and I thought to myself, I want to learn how to knit. My mom had a book that teaches knitting, along with some yarn and needles. Thankfully, the book had instructions for left-handed people, otherwise who knows what hobby I would have picked up!
Since then, I've made scarves, socks, hats, baby toys, washcloths, and lots of mistakes. But I've learned more than just how to knit. I've learned patience, some math, and dedication. Knitting has given me focus and the ability to see things long term. It takes some imagination to look at a ball of wool and see a lace scarf hiding in there.
It also gives me a connection to my family that I didn't anticipate. My mom has always been crafty, and she makes some of the most beautiful needlepoint. My sister-in-law knits and crochets and is great at both. My sister does gorgeous orgami. We all have this creative drive in common. It also makes me so proud to see someone that I love wearing something that I made for them. There is something to be said for seeing your loved ones being sheltered from the cold by something that came from your hands.
I'm working on my first lace piece right now. It's coming along, but right now it looks more like wet noodles than lace. Patience is a virtue, right?
So that is the beginning of my knitting story. There will be more chapters to come.
Monday, February 23, 2009
My First Blog Entry
I've always wanted a blog, just so that I can share the wit and humor that is me with all the internet. Plus, I'm unemployed right now, so this has to be better than talking to the cats, right?
I plan on having pictures of my knitting on a regular basis, as well as pictures of my cute nephew.
Check back for more!